Non Nobis - This extract from the Newsletter of St Catherine’s Bramley provides a fascinating insight into what happened to some of our Girls who were evacuated there when our own buildings were taken over by Canadian Troops in WWII. We’re most grateful to St Cat’s for allowing us to use it and to Rosemary and Richard Christophers, their Volunteer Archivists for the work which went into the event.

In the Face of Danger' - history of the Lake Superior Regiment, is a book which has been in the possession of the family of two generations of old girls since 1968. The inscription explains that the book was presented to the husband of one and father of the other in his then capacity as Chairman of the Council in Cuckfield & Haywards Heath when the Regiment came visiting.

Douglas D'Enno, son of SMH Old Girl Anne-Marie Burns who was a pupil at the school in the 1920s, has written a fascinating book about East Brighton and Ovingdean. (The volume is intended as a companion to his previous publication, 'Rottingdean through Time').
Douglas spent some time at the school taking photos for the book which is available from Amazon (link below).
The photograph of the school, (above) taken from the book, will, I am sure, interest readers.